
Showing posts from 2009

Leeland My Jesus

The Michael Gungor Band "White Man"

joyeaux vacances!

a renewed mind

Stanely Hauerwas on Prayer

Christmas gift ideas, part 2

My Hope

it only takes a dollar, to keep the tinsel going...

November's Monthly Fancy

come and see


through the fog there is hope in the distance

the king's cupbearer

my heart will choose to say

oh happiness!

coffee cups, pt. 2

iSee iBook iLove

throw me a line

and this is how he became SOCCERboy

Church Music DANCE [!]

Church Music DANCE[!] ...take 1

on the frontlines

My annual Christmas gift picks

r is for rejection

of pride and pastiness

Give Us Your Courage

do something

coffee cups, pt. 1

this is my story, this is my song