this is my story, this is my song

From the rising of the sun, til the place where it sets, 
let the name of the LORD be praised. Psalm 113:3

Today is my birthday and I'm singing Blessed Assurance this morning in my kitchen.  I'm so thankful I have a Savior who loves me, and in the words of Oswald Chambers today, "all that our Lord gives His attention to in a person's life is that person's relationship with God - something of great value to His Father."

We want to put the emphasis on service; Jesus puts the emphasis on our right relationship with Him.  That's all I want and all I need.  When your relationship is right with Him, Oswald writes, "He will continue to pour 'rivers of living water' through you (John 7:38)." 

"The sun will shine and the clouds will lift,
The snow will melt though high it drift;
Across the ocean there is a shore,
Must we learn the lesson o'er and o'er?
To know there is sun when the clouds droop low,
To believe in the violets under the snow,
To watch at the bows for the land that shall rise,-
This is victory in disguise."