day eight

You Are
God, right on schedule, blew into the Nokia Theatre in Dallas this weekend and made His Righteous presence known. The God we can't get enough of, the God we can't sing enough songs to, the God whose love we can never ever match.

Thanking this God, the only God, SO much for the work He did in the hearts. Lord, seal it in their hearts. That your Spirit will be breathed in and out on the campuses. The army sits in classes across the South this morning, smiling dangerously, possessing lives freshly wrecked out for Jesus. It's going to be good.

As I asked God what to share here today, I came across this posting on the Passion blog. I think it's okay for me to share it as it's fairly anonymous; and the power of God is behind her words.

During one of the sessions on Saturday, something Frances said really moved my heart... and I wrote this in my journal, "My failures may be proof that my flesh is weak, but they will never render me useless to the Kingdom, because God's Holy Spirit - in all His glory and all His power - is ALWAYS strong. I do not change the fact that He can do ANYTHING." It was something I needed to hear, something that has completely revolutionalized the way I view the Holy Spirit's ability to work through me. I was so blessed by Passion. I will continue praying as you guys take the conferences across the globe!!- Sarah

Such heroes are as radical on Monday morning as Sunday night.
They don't need fame from names. Instead they grin quietly upwards
and hear the crowds chanting again and again: "COME ON!"
And this is the sound of the underground
The whisper of history in the making
Foundations shaking
Revolutionaries dreaming once again
Mystery is scheming in whispers
Conspiracy is breathing...
This is the sound of the underground
And the army is discipl(in)ed.
from the Vision, Red Moon Rising