batman forever
I love when Robin fights the Neon street people pretending to be Batman. Ben's favorite part is "pretty much the whole thing." And who doesn't enjoy the tender ballad by U2, "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me" ???
This is actually the only Batman movie Ben has seen, so he doesn't have a lot to compare it too. He has seen the campy Batman movie made in the 60's... it's a "Holy Special Edition Batman!" Maybe you know of it - it's the one where Batman gets attacked by what seems to be a shark made out of cardboard as he dangles from a rope ladder above the ocean in a sound studio. Nevermind he could be dead from the helicopter blades zooming by his head...that mechanical shark is biting crazily at his loose-fitting spandex tights.
Syd and Ben love to watch that movie and mock Catwoman. I always comment on how beautiful she is and they just. can't. stand. it. Batman actually tries to declaw Catwoman in that movie. Amazing. It's poetry, really.
One of the bonuses of watching movies with Ben is finding out about secret plans of his. Tonight I learned that when he and Syd are 20 years old, they are going to go to London. Probably to see Susan. (See earlier blog posting.) "Yeah, you can ride the bus there alone when you are 15," he says to me. Really. Where did he read that? On Susan's fan website I'm thinking. Yes, they are secretly amassing important details like this for their London getaway. Why they are waiting until 20 years of age, and not going at age 15, I'm not sure. Maybe for Susan to take them seriously when they both pursue her. Wondering how this will turn out. She should be about 40-something by then.
Ben is not one to sit still and watch a movie. He is constantly doing something, like building legos or drawing. Tonight he made 3 comic books while we watched the movie. I knit some more of Blonde FunkNation's scarf, and thanks to you out there by the way who have mocked me for how long it's taking me. Not all of us can watch Gilmore Girls every night and knit for five hours.
Anyway, I bought one comic book he drew during the movie, that I'm giving to my dad tomorrow, titled "Food Life." It's about some french fries and a chicken nugget who become friends and go to the movies. I was expecting a Batman comic book. Silly me. But this one is definitely worth the 25 cents he made off of me.
Ben, I'm so glad I get to be your mom. You are my Ben Forever. Love you.