
Transition. That's a word Steve and I have been using a lot lately to describe our lives. But honestly, right now it looks more like rest. After not really stopping much in ministry for 6 years, I took a break around Christmas. When that break was over, I took another break. When that break was over, I realized I really didn't want to go back to most everything I was doing in ministry. Not developing prayer at the Austin Stone. Not working at Imagine Art.

Don't get me wrong, I love the Austin Stone, I love Imagine Art. I know God has used me in those places and I'm so grateful. And He continues to use me. Moving on isn't always about being hurt, or not gaining affirmation, or even about feeling loved. If that was the case, I wouldn't have lasted at the Austin Stone for more than a month. Or any church, for that matter. For me, moving on has been about listening to a small whisper saying turn this way. There is more I have for you.

We've been dividing up our time lately between two churches and it's been great. I love the church in our neighborhood, the Fellowship of Plum Creek. They love Jesus and they really aren't impressed by me, or any other person, for that matter. They meet in a small elementary school gym. Their pastor has a huge heart of compassion and a thirst for God. I also love the Austin Stone. I love our pastors, past and present. The body is a giant army fixed on Jesus.

But I know there is more, more God has for Steve and I. We are excited to develop relationships in our neighborhood. Excited for our boys to experience both bodies of Christ, knowing they are part of a larger body. Excited to serve those around us.

I just finished editing Steve's children's book. He's praying for what comes next with it. And I'm going to do some writing for ABBA, a ministry whose heart is to connect the different streams in the body in Austin. I'm going to be sharing stories of what God is doing in our city, beginning with the work being done to save Reagan High School. And my dream to write a screenplay is alive and well. It was that scene in Fireproof where Kirk shakes his fist in the doctor's face and says "it's healing just fine!" that did it for me. If you don't know that scene, you are so missing out. I want to tell real stories of a real God.

Transition. It's all about walking through the doors that are open, and being okay with the ones that are closed. Jesus holds the keys and He puts his hand over mine. Some doors open with the keys and some don't.

It's been a little sad to leave some things behind. Sometimes more than a little sad. But what would be sadder is to not know Jesus Christ, to not trust wholly in Him and to find myself looking back at what He has said to leave behind.

The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
Psalm 23 vs 1