if it's the last day of spring break, then it must be BLAZER TAG
Blazer tag is a glorious way to end spring break. Our boys have been asking to go all week and we finally caved today. Photo number 1. Just behind this wall of frenzied black light art lies a land o' fun. Here's a mom glued to the Blazer cam, watching her children. Someone named the Unarmed Baby won this round.
While I was waiting for my turn to play, I ran into some friends. Photo number 2. We shared a Pepper and a slice and reminisced about the old days. Mmm bop....mmm mmm....
When they had to go, I stared at the carpet. Photo number 3. It's blazertastic and might look good in a dance room should I need to convert one of the boy's bedrooms when they move out. Then it was my turn to play. "Honey, hold these," I said to Blonde FunkNation and gave him my sunglasses. "I might need to fly like the wind." Madness ensued, with only 7 players. I don't like losing to pre-teens. Especially ones that try to bluff when the laser lady gives instructions and play dumb. Syd, aka Bob, and Ben, aka Larry, held their own. Photo number 4 documents a little of our time inside the Laser chambers (?).