a few thoughts on prayer
I am changing my view of intercession. Or maybe just reiterating it more. I really believe we are all called to pray, that we are all intercessors. Some may be called to pray for a city, a generation, a ministry or maybe their family alone. But we are all still called to pray.
I get bothered by churches who have prayer teams. Or rather those churches who believe only those on prayer teams are called to pray. I believe what happens in those churches is that the team fades...who can take on that responsibility? I remember being in a church where I was only one of a few intercessors. I was walking into church, spending time alone with God, not praying about anything in particular, when a leader in the church ran up to me and said, "Pray about the parking situation!" A few moments later, I saw him again and he said, "Are you praying about the parking situation? It's still bad!"
I wasn't praying about the parking situation. I was praying for him to stop bugging me so I could prepare for worship. You may think that's rude, but seriously.
I have freedom in my role in prayer because of this realization. I do pray for the leaders of my church, but I realize no one needs me to pray. They may appreciate it, but God doesn't need it, people don't need it, organizations don't need it. I can pray as the Lord leads, share as I want, or not.
God uses it, for sure. But He does not need it. Prayer can change the heart of God, can bring down heaven to earth, is used for all kinds of healing. But does God need an army of intercessors to act? No. Does God need thousands praying for a nation versus one person? I don't think so. He is bigger than that. Does he use an army of praying warriors? Definitely.
This may be nothing new to some of you. But I get concerned for those who lock themselves into the intercessor identity and miss the greater picture that we are ALL called to pray. Prayer is fostered much better if we can understand that, rather than believing only a select few hear from God.
I like to believe I hear from God. If someone tells me they don't hear from God, I wonder where their intimacy is with the Lord. It doesn't necessarily come from hours of prayer or bible study. My goal is to enjoy God and to hope He enjoys me. I think He does. He's not looking at my imperfections, after all. I want to talk to Him and I want Him to talk back. When I pray for others, I want His opinion on the matter. He usually shares it with me. I'm not saying I always hear from God or can always discern His voice, but that is what I hope for.
Nevertheless He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness. Acts 14:17
I get bothered by churches who have prayer teams. Or rather those churches who believe only those on prayer teams are called to pray. I believe what happens in those churches is that the team fades...who can take on that responsibility? I remember being in a church where I was only one of a few intercessors. I was walking into church, spending time alone with God, not praying about anything in particular, when a leader in the church ran up to me and said, "Pray about the parking situation!" A few moments later, I saw him again and he said, "Are you praying about the parking situation? It's still bad!"
I wasn't praying about the parking situation. I was praying for him to stop bugging me so I could prepare for worship. You may think that's rude, but seriously.
I have freedom in my role in prayer because of this realization. I do pray for the leaders of my church, but I realize no one needs me to pray. They may appreciate it, but God doesn't need it, people don't need it, organizations don't need it. I can pray as the Lord leads, share as I want, or not.
God uses it, for sure. But He does not need it. Prayer can change the heart of God, can bring down heaven to earth, is used for all kinds of healing. But does God need an army of intercessors to act? No. Does God need thousands praying for a nation versus one person? I don't think so. He is bigger than that. Does he use an army of praying warriors? Definitely.
This may be nothing new to some of you. But I get concerned for those who lock themselves into the intercessor identity and miss the greater picture that we are ALL called to pray. Prayer is fostered much better if we can understand that, rather than believing only a select few hear from God.
I like to believe I hear from God. If someone tells me they don't hear from God, I wonder where their intimacy is with the Lord. It doesn't necessarily come from hours of prayer or bible study. My goal is to enjoy God and to hope He enjoys me. I think He does. He's not looking at my imperfections, after all. I want to talk to Him and I want Him to talk back. When I pray for others, I want His opinion on the matter. He usually shares it with me. I'm not saying I always hear from God or can always discern His voice, but that is what I hope for.
Nevertheless He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness. Acts 14:17