Would Jesus wear a red vest?

As mentioned in an earlier writing, I'm thinking of volunteering at the new hospital in town.  I went to a volunteer orientation and heard the code of conduct and other things.  I am still contemplating this monumental decision.  What would you do?  What would Jesus do?

Here are some of the perks:
One four hour shift a week.  Can't get that at a part-time job.  Of course, there is no pay.
Wearing of a red vest with official volunteer badge.
Wearing of white, non-skid shoes.
Wearing of chinos, or tan-colored pants as it was described to me.
Working with other volunteers in their 60's and 70's.  Oh wait, I'm 42.
One free fountain drink per shift, or coffee!
20% off the items in the gift shop, where I would volunteer.  I'm not doing the emergency room.  I think blowing up balloons is a better choice for me.
Getting to know the German lady who runs the gift shop, and her back story.

Hmm.... is my life this boring that I would consider this?  Or is it too challenging for me, to even think of myself in a red volunteer vest hanging out with the elderly for four hours a week.

I'd like to think it would be a way for me to care about who comes into the hospital, into the gift shop.  To talk to older people who may be lonely and also have a story to tell.

Then, of course, there is always Meals on Wheels.