a drawer revealed

In keeping my promise to post monthly about Steve aka Blonde FunkNation, I'd like to use my February post to disclose some of the contents of his topmost dresser drawer. 

This idea came to me as I was watching Downton Abbey and several characters were sifting through a shady fellow's sock drawer.  Not that Steve and I watch DA together, all cuddled on the couch with our hot tea.  No, none of that. 

However, you can tell much about a man in what he holds sacred, or just holds onto.  For like a really long time.


Exhibit A:  The badge of the Census man.  Back in the 90's it was hard to find work in Austin, even if you had a doctorate and a highly decorated resume.  Steve and I both worked at the Census, which wasn't as romantic as you'd think.  We worked several weeks together, until the day I got up from my desk, announced that I was quitting and walked out the front door, never to count another person.  But that's another story.

Exhibit B:  Broken glasses.  Blonde FunkNation never throws anything away, especially a perfectly good pair of glasses only missing one part of the frame.  During the Zombie Apocalypse, glasses may be hard to find.

Exhibit C: Greeting card from me.  I find Mahogany cards from Hallmark give words to the song in my heart.  And sometimes I like to pretend I'm the First Lady.  Just a thing I do.
Exhibit D:  Norway props.   It's one of the many reasons I married him - his Norwegian-ness.  Somehow I knew he would be able to make good Scandinavian treats, like Swedish pancakes. To have a sunny disposition, and to have offspring with blonde hair.  You know, things that matter.
Exhibit E:  A paper Green Lantern ring.   ???  I  had never seen this until I delved into the top drawer.  I plan on wearing this on our next date.  He's got some explaining to do.  Aquaman is NOT going to be happy.

Exhibit F:   Picture of me, circa 1985.  You know he's crazy about me.  He can't get enough of these provocative swim pictures.  Does anyone remember those swim goggles with the thick foam around the eyes?  Those were pretty alright.

Exhibit G:  How to tie a Windsor knot and other necktie moves.  I love the mind of Steve, always learning, always bettering himself.  Once I came into the bedroom to find him watching a youtube of how to tie a bowtie.  It's a neverending quest, and helps feed my desire for Downton Abbey.

Exhibit H:  A tiny espresso cup.  "Once upon a time, a few mistakes ago..." as the song goes, I took a trip to Mexico City.  BFN was keen for me to go, and I took my mother with me.  I brought him back this tiny cup from a gift shop at the top of a very tall building to show my gratitude.  I showed it to him just now and he was like - and I quote: "What's that?"  Obviously he treasures it. 

Exhibit I:  Stylish home-made greeting card from his sons.  This blows my Mahogany cards out of the water.  And a very true sentiment.  Steve is a man of service, a man of kindness, a man who's dresser drawer tells many tales.  I hope you've enjoyed some of them.  I know I have.  With love -