Ten signs you are growing up

  1. You'd rather spend money getting your child braces over buying a new car for yourself.
  2. 8:30 seems an excellent time to go to bed, rather than getting ready to go out.
  3. That $60.00 eye cream is so worth it. 
  4. You name your parents as executors of your will, then realize you will probably outlive them.
  5. Eating fruits and vegetables do make you feel better!  But candy still tastes better.
  6. You don't stress when the scale shows you how much you've gained over the holidays.  You are thankful you still have curves, even in larger proportions.
  7. Highway hypnosis is real.
  8. You enjoy the fact Siri can't really say whether you are fat or not.  
  9. You don't jump up and down when you worship all the time.  (Okay, maybe that's just me.)
  10. You dance in the kitchen and don't care who sees you. And if you're really old, you dance to mmmBop and don't care if it bothers your children.