working my way back to you

I joined a gym this week.  I thought you would like a glance into my workout diary.  It involves candy corn and old people.  I might be one of them.

Day One

I join the gym.  I tell the owner cheerily I'm going to work out now.  I go to my car to get my water and almost leave.  I come back in.  I look at the ellipticals and move on to the treadmills.  I'm ten minutes into my walking (at a pretty fast pace, I must say), and a senior couple greets me and joins me on the treadmills.  Stealthlike, I glance over at the woman's pace.  2.2 mph.  I'm at 3 mph.  I feel really fast.  Yep,  3 miles an hour.  That's 20 minutes a mile.  After 30 minutes, I stretch while listening to Justin Bieber and I'm feeling good.

Day Two

I invite Blonde FunkNation to be my guest at the gym.  It's a date!  After a few handfuls of candy corn at home, I'm ready to go.  This time we both get on the ellipticals.  I used to do this all the time, I tell myself.  Ten minutes into the workout, I move to the treadmill, leaving BFN on his own.   There is a giant television over me and Jaxon Shipley is on the news.  He motivates me.  I push the incline button  to 1.

30 minutes later, I stretch while BFN tries out the 360 Kinect in the gym.  I am mystified by it.  The sun is setting and it casts a pretty glow on the weight machines.  Maybe next time.  "Let's go to Starbucks," I say.  Our workout ends with us drinking salted caramel mocha's in Target and me standing in line to buy a pair of Missoni socks.  A nice ending to a nice week.