there is nothing you can do to make Him love you more...or love you less

Thought this was beautiful, from an old Streams in the Desert devotional book:

"In fierce storms," said an old seaman, "we must do one thing; there is only one way: we must put the ship in a certain position and keep her there."

This, Christian, is what you must do.  Sometimes, like Paul, you can see neither sun nor stars, and no small tempest lies on you; and then you can do but one thing: there is only one way.

Reason cannot help you; past experience gives you no light.  Even prayer fetches no consolation.  Only a single course is left. You must put your soul in one position and keep it there.

You must stay upon the Lord; and come what may - winds, waves, cross-seas, thunder, lightning, frowning rocks, roaring breakers- no matter what, you must lash yourself to the helm, and hold fast your confidence in God's faithfulness, His covenant engagement, His everlasting love in Christ Jesus.
-Richard Fuller