the Greatest lives among you!

Give thanks to God.
Call out his name.
Ask him anything!
Shout to the nations, tell them what he's done,
spread the news of his great reputation!

Sing praise-songs to God. He's done it all!
Let the whole earth know what he's done!
Raise the roof! Sing your hearts out, O Zion!
The Greatest lives among you: The Holy of Israel.

Isaiah 12, vs. 3-6, the Message

Lately in the highly acclaimed, highly read newspaper of Austin, the Austin American-Statesman, there is a new society column, with names bolded as if we know who these people are. Perhaps I am the only daily reader who does not know who these people are, but I doubt it. So today, for one time only, I thought I would try this technique and embolden some names just as seemingly randomly as the Statesman does, mainly for my own amusement and hopefully yours. God is doing so much in our little place in the woods and I just have to give a shout out to Him!

The Austin Stone, my lovely church, is in the midst of it's vision series and through it, is launching new community groups. Steve Smith and I thought, well why not have one in Kyle? Because surely there are some people 21 miles south of the border of Austin who attend our church. And guess what? There are. Not only is there a college community group in San Marcos that is 35 students strong, there are other types of people looking for community in Buda/Kyle/San Marcos. We have ten of those people gathering at our home in Plum Creek.

There is also an army of women rising up in the Spiritin Plum Creek, with my lovely friend Stephanie Cherry as one of the troop leaders. If you haven't met her, just come to Kyle and look for long blonde hair and turquoise rings. Next Saturday, Beth Moore's Loving Well retreat videos will be viewed as part of a women's ministry effort at the Plum Creek community center. The Fellowship of Plum Creek is hosting this. I love how God is bringing together women from different churches in the area to pray for gatecity Kyle. In the works...a women's night of worship and prayer at Plum Creek's community center.

I was recently at Central Market with the witty and merciful Michele Jacoby enjoying a cafe mexicano on a rainy afternoon. We saw checker N. enjoying company BBQ from a distance and pray he is well. Can I just add here that when Michele's husband Rick Jacoby, parole officer and worship leader, discovered that Saved By the Bell is on TV on Saturday mornings, he exclaimed, "Is it my birthday?!" These two are rare and special indeed.

Jesus likes the grocery stores in this city, that's for sure, He's healing in them, He's building something. The wonderful man of prayer Thomas Cogdell , who started the Austin House of Prayer works at the downtown Whole Foods offices, along with the beautiful and strong Laura Cannici, partner and college leader at the the Austin Stone.

Tonight David Crowder and his spaceship are in Austin playing at La Zona Rosa. His album Remedy is still in the top 20 of iTunes and we couldn't be happier for him. I know he makes Jesus so happy. We are going to his show Sunday in San Antonio, at the Floores Country Store. I wonder if I can also get some pancake mix while there. This weekend I will go to Toni & Guy, and hope to give hairdresser Sara a copy of Remedy.

Today I spent some time at the never dull U.T. campus with my dad, John Frahm, who has an office in the Episcopal Student Center. He works with Alpha on Campus and was busy on Facebook seeing about Alpha courses running on college campuses
and looking up some of his London friends like sweet worship leader Jamie Haith.

Tomorrow Syd and Ben have no school, which promises to be a whirlwind day of wherever, with a short stop at Shoreline Christian School so Syd can see friends Joshua and Hannah . Scout
may be in tow, the crazy cuban dog who can now say "Ow!" thanks to Ben stepping on him much of the time.